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The Impact on Children

A parent being diagnosed with a brain tumour can have profound effects on their children, impacting various aspects of their lives:


Emotional Distress

Children may experience a range of emotions such as fear, anxiety, sadness, confusion, and stress upon leaning about their parent's diagnosis.  They might struggle to understand the situation and its implications, leading to emotional distress and uncertainty about the future.


Changes in Family Dynamics

The diagnosis can bring significant changes to family routines,  responsibilities and dynamics. Children may witness their parent experiencing physical and emotional challenges, which can be distressing and lead to role reversals or increased caregiver responsibilities for the child


Educational and Social Impacts

The stress and disruption caused by a parent's illness might affect a child's academic performance, attendance at school and social interactions. They might find it challenging to concentrate on studies or maintain relationships with peers due to worries about their parent's health

Fear of Loss

Children may fear losing their parent and experience ongoing anxiety about the potential outcomes, causing emotional strain and impacting their mental health.



Self-harm in children can stem from various underlying reasons, emotional stress, feeling of helplessness, anxiety, depression or difficulty in coping with the challenging situation.


It is essential to seek professional help to understand and address the child's emotions and behaviours in such circumstances.

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